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22.22 USD
I like to mismatch my socks in style, but not in texture (i.e. the socks must be the same thickness and construct.) What are your favorite socks? These are all my personal collection of socks and have owned all of them for 5+ years. Lot of miles traveled in all these different socks.
14.44 USD
Ask me anything and I will do my best to give you an authentic/genuine answer. Disclaimer: I promise honesty, but not necessarily clarity.
1.00 USD
Miss Quartz takes me to a dark place, as she has some strong... opinions. In order to effectively roleplay what she offers and brings to the table we'll need some consent and boundary foreplay and get to know each other. Heads up, she a**igns homework and requires a tad bit of introspection and work because she is big on judging worth and is quite picky with what men are worthy of her time longterm.
33.00 USD
I bet you’ll watch this clip for hours and not even realize it’s 12 seconds 🤭
50.00 USD
Just me, after I've finished my chores for the day, relaxing with a
2.00 GBP
Mmmmm my chocolate feet! Tastes and smells so good! 2.38 min.
25.00 USD