Every one knows hats soak up all that sweat on the forehead and hats just smell different each time you wear them! You should try them! These have been through hot🥵 days with me on the farm and that Green John deere one I wore when I f**ked my girl in my truck😅.
12.00 USD
I put on my special suit to catch sweat at my feet!!! Get the pure product! 💦 takes me about an hour to have it ready🥵 TASTE ME! You know you want it
20.00 USD
After a couple demands for farts I have decided to put it on my listings. I catch my really stinky fart in a jar with a worn sock to help preserve the smell. Would love to hear what you think after smelling my farmer a**😏
38.00 USD
Watch me pi*s on my used white AC these have never been washed. I was so horny inhad to rub one out. These will be going on sell whoever pays first gets them.
8.00 USD