Sweet, sticky, and straight from my lips to you. My well-chewed gum is full of my flavor, my essence, and maybe even a little bite of mischief. Whether you want to savor it, collect it, or just enjoy knowing where it’s been, this is your chance to own something truly intimate. Don’t wait too long, I might just swallow the next piece instead
30.00 GBP
It's years since I had a holiday as i not only work full-time and run the family home but i care for my parents as well. This leaves me with very little time and holidays are a distant memory. This year I have a chance to get away for 10 nights as a family member has promised to step up and care for our parents. IM DESPERATE!! I am trying to raise £2k by selling from my shop and any other means I can before 1st September. This will cover flights and all inclusive in Malta for 10 nights. Any tips greatly appreciated no matter how small 🙏 I'm so excited I hope I can make my target 🤗
1.00 GBP
30 mins $15 (2 pics or 1 video ) 1 Hour $30 (4 pics or 2 videos)
7.50 USD