Watch my video while I ma**age my legs and toes in the bubbles. Perfect for my feet, toes, and leg fetishes x
10.00 GBP
Well worn, well stinky, fluffy socks, my feet and toes get super wet with sweat. Worn with trainers, slippers and around the house.
15.00 GBP
Just had the hottest session couldn't get filled enough. I fortunately had this plug to help. Unwashed, bagged and ready to ship. Bundle with my leather collections to see it in action.
20.00 USD
A small bag of my lovely feet shavings. Done when feet was unwashed for about 20 hours of moderate activity.
30.00 USD
You’ll frequently catch Shibarbie riding this bad boy into the sunset at the end of her livestreams. I loved it so hard the paint is rubbing off the head xoxo
120.00 USD