The t-shirt is like humid since last spring, not sealed in any bag. My t-shirt still humid because I sweat for over one year on my t-shirt working on the vineyard and they become so greasy ... I never saw something like that.
20.00 GBP
The t-shirt is like humid since last spring, not sealed in any bag. My t-shirt still humid because I sweat for over one year on my t-shirt working on the vineyard and they become so greasy ... I never saw something like that.
10.00 GBP
Shipping price not included Used for more than one year. Extras 5$ each
35.00 GBP
new underwear ifs kinda pink color but could be purplish
60.00 USD
Nice and sweaty Calvin Klein boxers. Includes video stripping out of them in the locker room. Myself OR my buddy in the photo. Additional vids available
40.00 GBP
Matte Jersey Bikini with Camo waistband. From my brand Aguayo 🤟
40.00 USD