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30.00 USD
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Just warn for one shift at work. It was 25C outside And 30C in my shop. These are still available and I can still make custom socks with requests. I'm having hard times requiring multiple jobs so if I don't respond either my primum isn't working or I haven't seen your message. Here is a discreet email iv set up we can work something out as discreet as you'd like mechanicbobgmail . Com Thank you to those I've seen messages and not been able to respond. Your interest is vary appreciated.
30.00 USD
One of my favorite pair of SAXX these pair usaly run about $60 for 1 they have a special compartment for your sweet balls, they feel smoth like silk with out being slippery. They are vary snug fitting with out being too tight. I can send them in any condition I could wear them to work for a week making them good and smelly. Extra content would be extra just message me your request and maybe we can make a deal. Price may or may not reflect shipping coast once we have more of an idea we're they may be shipped to.
150.00 USD
Here is a pair of my smelliest well warn work boots I'm willing to sell to a lucky new owner. I'm in them roughly 14h a day. They are a custom made set of Viberg steel toe boots made buy a local shoe Smith. I may even throw in a pair of smelly socks. My price is reflected buy replacement coast as they are quite expensive and shipping isn't included how ever messageme and I can have a more solid price point based on were I need to ship to.
1200.00 USD
White sports socks worn by my hot, straight flat mate (doesn’t know I’m wearing them too) 🤫
15.00 GBP