Heavily Worn & Sweated in work Shirts, Worn Multiple Days In Extreme Heat and Conditions.. Gaurantee to Be Quite Strong With Stank & Aroma!!
40.00 USD
Worn Facial Masks With My Personel Saliva & Fluids Of ur Choice on Them!! So. You Can walk Around All Day Or Wear them At Work And Enjoy The Way i Taste While ur Working!! Saliva, c*m Or Even ur*ne. jst let Me No What Flavor You Prefer Tasting and Smelling!! With a Variety Of Dif Masks!! Had to Wear So Many of Them & Some Are Very Heavily Worn Already... Very Musky and Stenchy...
10.00 USD
Heavily Worn Work Socks... Worn Minimum of 2days ( more if Requested) Strongly Sweated in and Carrying a Very Strong Foot Odor Guarantee to Satisfy the Most Avid Foot Enthusiasts Desires!! $15.00 A Pair Including Shipping and Handling... All Orders Shipped. On Wednesday or Friday..
15.00 USD
Well used over time. Includes my c*m along with some special guest
25.00 USD
Wana do some tasks? Why not spin my wheel and see what you get 😈
5.00 GBP