Fancy treating yourself? Why not indulge in buying one of my very used, Lacey, red thongs! It would also make your mistress so pleased to know that you’re treating yourself! Be quick! Because once they are gone they are gone 😘
15.00 GBP
Fancy treating yourself? Why not indulge in buying one of my very used, Lacey thongs! It would also make your mistress so pleased to know that you’re treating yourself! Be quick! Because once they are gone they are gone 😘
40.00 GBP
Fancy treating yourself? Why not indulge in buying one of my very used, Leopard print thongs! It would also make your mistress so pleased to know that you’re treating yourself! Be quick! Because once they are gone they are gone 😘
15.00 GBP
Price includes 1 day wear, add ons $10ea $10 postage for Aussie buyers
40.00 AUD
Worn for two days with play and proof of wear pics! Extra day €10
30.00 EUR