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20.00 GBP
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Different tier subscriptions you can choose from; Bronze subscription: £65 1 pair of 72 hour panties every month for 3 months. Worn the first of every month I choose the panties Shipping and packaging included in the price Silver subscription: £85 2 pairs of 48 hour worn panties each month for 3 months You choose the panties Pics wearing panties- 6 pics total Shipping included Gold subscription: £100 2 pairs of 72 hour worn panties for the next 3 months Choose the panties Google drive access lifetime for every folder Special requests like played in etc included Shipping included
65.00 GBP
Price is for 1 stuffed scrunchie. 2 for £25. pu**y or a** stuffed
15.00 GBP
I would appreciate this sooooo much.♥️ I’m not sure if that’s exactly the total, could be a bit more or a bit less, but it will definitely help me out.
190.00 CAD