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12.50 GBP
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Prices start from £10, can be converted into USD or EUR if purchasing media / Let me know if you have any suggestions, always willing to help if I can! Speak soon! Liv. X
10.00 GBP
Elasticated waist VS thong worn as a favourite for around 12 months, willing to wear for 24 hours, add ons such as gym workouts, extra day wears and no showers in between are available upon request.
19.00 GBP
Worn all day and for a heavy gym session these little socks really have my scent embedded in them. Have a little treat 😘. Come with proof of wear pics.
12.50 GBP
*shipping is included in the price if located in the US!* socks worn for 1 day with picture proof (1/day of wear)~ additional days are $5 each <3 (2 days = $20, 3 days = $25, etc.)
15.00 USD
Used black ankle socks with gray and green stripes/minor colors. 2 day wear including daily proof of wear photos. Additional days of wear $5 per day. Shipped to you sealed in a ziploc bag.
18.00 USD
Brand new black ankle socks ready to be worn just for you! Make sure to ask about add ons!
15.00 USD