Write Your Name On My Body πŸ₯΅πŸ˜ˆ

Write Your Name On My Body πŸ₯΅πŸ˜ˆ photo

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5.00 EUR

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S**y Booty Boobies Feet

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Hogwarts Socks 🧦...

πŸ’ŽPrices already includes shipping If you would like worn only by 1 of us would be 25€, dm us ❀️🧦 Note: we don't smell that BAD from our feet so if you like the feet smell but doesn't need to be that strong then this may be for you 😏😈

30.00 EUR

Vanilla_Raspberry PT

Worn Socks By...

πŸ’ŽPrices already includes shipping If you would like worn only by 1 of us would be 25€, dm us ❀️🧦 Note: we don't smell that BAD from our feet so if you like the feet smell but doesn't need to be that strong then this may be for you 😏😈

30.00 EUR

Vanilla_Raspberry PT

Worn Panties πŸ˜ˆπŸ’‹...

πŸ’ŽPrices already include shipping s**y panties worn by us Vanni and Berrie both using or only one using πŸ’‹ 48h worn You can also choose 24h worn for 35€ DM us ❀️

40.00 EUR

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Movie Date...

Netflix, Amazon prime, Disney+ Max 2 hour movie You pick the movie/ tv show If you wanna have dinner while we watch or specific treats extra cost if I don’t already have. Unlimited chat while watching

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Gym Membership...

Fund my gym membership and you get gym selfies every time I go and a free physical item of your choice! Gym socks, sports bra, gym shorts, or panties!

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My Cell Phone...

Let’s s**y and video call baby ❀️ $4 a minute for video calls πŸ“Έ prices are flexible and discussed through texting 😘GF experience available πŸ˜‹

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